

  • İ. Teoman BENLİ
  • Erbil AYDIN
  • Mahmut KIŞ
  • Serdar AKALIN
  • Mert TÜZÜNER
  • A.Bülent BAZ

J Turk Spinal Surg 1996;7(3):95-98

Classic procedure in t he treatmerıt of vertebral tuberculosis is drainage of t he abcess, curetage of the devitalized vertebra and appücaiion of antituberculous chemotherapy regimen. Posterior instrumentation results are encouraging İn the prevention or treatment of late kyphosis, however, a second stage operation is needed. İn this study the results of 9 patients with a diagnosis of Mail de Pott treated by anterior drainage, anterior fusion and Z Plate anterior İnstrumentation at the same stage at the 1st Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Ankara Social Security Hospital are presented. Mean age was 45.6. Mean follow-up İs 28.4 months with a minimum foilow-up 2 years. Ali patients had one year continued trİple drug therapy. Partiai motor and sensorial loss which was observed preoperatively in 6 patients totally improved postoperativeiy. Ad the patients had a solid fusion mass at the last Controls. Also any impiant failures or sagittai index correction loss were not observed. Reactivation was not seen, but in one patient a supurative İnfection developed and after three weeks of chemotherapy, the anterior impiant was removed and a posterior fusion was added. İn fight of these findings it is thought that anterior instrumentation after anterior drainage and fusion at the same stage İs a useful procedure İn the prevention of late kyphotic deformities.

Keywords: Spinal, tuberculosis, anterior instrument.