

  • Niyazi Nefi KARA
  • Mehmet ULUÇAY

J Turk Spinal Surg 2001;12(4):68-72

Primary cyst hydatid disease in spine is rare. İt usually reaches the vertebrae by means of portovertebral shunt. Clinical signs occur by pressure on the spinal root and/or spinal cord. There is no spesific complaints or pressure signs in spinal cyst hydatid. Therefore, it is easy to miss the diagnosis vvhich may cause morbidity and mortality. Widespreadly distributed in developing countries, cyst hydatid disease may be revealed earlier with gradually frequent use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Tvventy seven-year-old men applied vvith complaints as lomber pain, leg parezis, and vveakness, had a mass at 11,h thoracal vertebra level compressing the spinal cord on MRI. During the clinical follow-up, paraplegia was observed vvith an acute onset. We present this case vvith spinal cyst hydatid for whom an operation was performed for the mass at Thoracalt 1 level.

Keywords: Hydatid cyst, Paraplegia, Magnetic Resonance Imaging