

  • Eduardo R. Luque

J Turk Spinal Surg 1996;7(3):90-94

The GDLH Posterior Spina! System is a top loading system for pathoiogy at the spine in which fİxatİon is ob-tained by segmental ciaw hooks which adapt to multipie pathoiogy. Rigid or semi rigid screws can be used İt ne-cessary as weü as single hooks for segmental compression or dİstraction. in degenerate disease of the low back, it İs specİally İndicated in instabiiity; iateral like spnodytolisthesis iongitudinaf as in the ioss of İVspace or rotationai tike degenerate scoliosis. Deformity, fractures, tumors ete., or simpiy to enhance the possibitities or arthrodesis. The main objeetive of this system is to provide a simpte technique and a minimum of complications for spina! fu-sion. As an example of its use, we reproduce the abstract published for the 6th International with F.U. of 2yrs. to 4.2 yrs. Ave. 3.2 yrs. are reported. Age: 68 to 80 yrs. Ave. 73. Stenosis of the neural canat 22/ Multipie level disease 8/ Degenerate scoliosis 9/Degenerate spondylolisthesis 10/ İnstabiiity pos discectomy 23. 8 pts. had persis-tent neurotogic pain at F.U. U.O. There were 7 pts. with retarded skin heaüng two of these went to superficial in-feetions controiied with antibiotics and İocai dressings. There was one pseudoarthrosis recognized at F.U. but 24 pts. or 30% had littie evidence of bone formation wİth no symptoms. 7 pts. had immediate post. op. minör medical compücations. Although our complication rate was 24% and that ± 30% of our patîents showed İİttle bone mass. The pain levei in this group came down from Ave. 8.7 to 3.2 and in ali but 3 pts. the neurological signs dissap-peared. The GDLH System İs an effective posterior İnstrumentation system with equal resuits at 3 yrs. F.U. as oth-er more ciunbersone and difficult systems. it, as others, is not a substitute for a good arthrodesis technique.

Keywords: Lumbar spine, degenerative disoders, GDLH, spinal İnstrumentation.