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January 2023


J Turk Spinal Surg 2023;34(1):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

First, I want to wish all of you and your families a very happy, peaceful, and bountiful new year. Once again, I am fortunate to be the person responsible for publishing this, the 1st issue, of our professional journal of the year. I hope that everyone will take time to examine it, and to incorporate the information in it, into your practices.

The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery (www.jtss.org), is the official publication of the Turkish Spine Society. JTSS is indexed in nine indices; Scopus, Ulakbim, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Europub, Proquest, Gale Cengage learning and Ebsco Host.

In this issue, there are six clinical research studies, and one basic science study. The authors in the first study examined the “Relationship Between Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Coronal and Sagittal Alignment in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis”. The second is a study about the “Treatment Options and Surgical Indications in Spinal Metastasis Cases: Sins and Noms Classifications.” In the third, one can read about the “Relationship Between Facet Tropism, Lumbar Degeneration and Facet Degeneration.” The authors of the fourth article wrote about the fact that “Ultrasonography in Caudal Injections Can Reduce the Use of Fluoroscopy.” The authors of the fifth study reported about the “Effect of Rigid and Hybrid Rod on the Development of Adjacent Segment Disease After Lumbar Spinal Fusion.” The sixth study is a retrospective observational study of “Paravertebral Intramuscular Ozone/oxygen Injection in the Treatment of Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain” while, in the seventh, the authors wrote about the “Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Erythropoietin Combination in a Rat Spinal Fusion Model.”

As always, I hope you felt this issue was invigorating and enlightening. My goal continues to be to bring you the most current information in our field in order to keep us on the forefront of the latest research and developments.

Once again, I wish all of our Turkish spinal surgeons and their families a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous 2023.

With kindest regards,

Editor in Chief
Metin Özalay, M.D.