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April 2017


J Turk Spinal Surg 2017;28(2):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

We sincerely wish the happy and healthy days to all my colleagues and their families. We are happy to accomplish the second issue of 2017.

There are 7 clinical research articles in this issue. Two experimental study were presented in this issue. The first article is about the pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis. In the second article, the effect of human stem cell injection on thoracic spinal cord injury had been evaluated. In the third study, the result of the finite element analysis is presented. In the fourth study, surgical result of convex derotation maneuver on lumbar lordosis in the patients with Lenke Type-5 idiopathic scoliosis. In the fifth study, late results of open door laminoplasty for cervical ossifying posterior longitudinal ligament is presented. In the sixth study, analysis of the cervical sagittal parameters are evaluated in the radiographies. Seventh study is about the
balloon kyphoplasty in osteoporotic patients with spontaneous vertebral compression fractures. We believe that all those studies will quietly interest the readers.

In this issue, a case report was presented. It is about the femoral entrapment syndrome.

In this issue, two review article were included. First of them is about the pulmonary function test in the adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. In the second, the management of the blood transfusion in the spinal surgery.

In this issue, in the “Frontiers of the Spinal Surgery” section, the biography was presented about the Prof. Ufuk Aydınlı. The author of this article is Prof. İ. Teoman Benli.

The preparation of the 12th International Congress of Turkish Spinal Surgery was completed. We are waiting all member of TSS for the congress.

We wish healthy, successful and peaceful days to Turkish Spinal Surgery family and we present our deepest respects.

Prof. Dr. İ. Teoman BENLİ
JTSS Editor