Besides considerable accomplishment has been achieved over natural history and treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, the factors responsible for curve initiation has not been identified yet. Reserchs for causative factors of AIS have focused on neurological factors, paravertebral muscle imbalance, genetic factors, disequilibrium in growth and development, defects in calmodulin and melatonin metabolism, however a consensus has not been provided. In AIS patients discrimination of pathologies whether they are secondary to deformity or causative factor have been increasingly confusing. Researchs related to human genom and intracellular biochemical mechanisms are advancing at present time, and concentrating on genetic factors and melatonin, calmodulin metabolism. As adolescent idiopathic scoliosis has a multifactorial and complex etiopathogenesis, further studies are necessary to enlight factors responsible for initiation and progression of AIS. This review aims to summarize theories and provide a perspective over AIS etiopathogenezis.