

  • Lokman KARAKURT
  • Erhan SERİN

J Turk Spinal Surg 2000;11(1):13-19

Twenty-six patients with unstable vertebral fractures were operated at Hospital of Fırat University Medical School between August 1995 and August 1999.17 (65.3%) patients were male and 9 (34.7%) vvere female. The mean age was 40.8 (14-85). Levels of the 26 fractured vertebrae varied between T10 and L4. The mean follow-up period was 18 (6-52) months. The interval between the injury and surgery was 4.8 days (6 hours-35 days) and the mean operation time was 2.6 (2-3.5) hours. 23 (88.4%) cases were operated on with posterior approach, 1 (3.9%) case was operated on with anterior and 2 (7.7%) cases vvere operated on with combined approach by using “Alıcı Spinal System”. We performed the short segment fusion in 24 patients and did not perform fusion in 2. The instrument was removed in two patients and mean removal time was 15.5 (11-20) months.

Preoperatively, Frankel A in 4 (15.4%), Frankel B in 0 (0%), Frankel C in 4 (15.4%), Frankel D in 6 (23.1%) and Frankel E in 12 (46.1%) cases vvere found. Postoperatively, none of the patients had progression of neurological status. 4 patients had complete and 10 had incomplete injuries. No recovery vvas observed in ali of the complete injuries and 2 incomplete injuries. Partial recovery in 1 incomplete injury and complete-recovery in 7 incomplete injuries vvere observed.

Keywords: Thoracolumbar vertebral fractures, Surgical treatment, Alıcı Spinal System